🕝 What I'm Doing Now

(This is a now page, and if you have your own site, you should make one, too.)

In order of time spent (not necessarily priority)

  1. 🤠 I'm a software engineer working in Houston, TX. My current project is in Omaha Nebraska - I travel there about once a month.
  2. 🎬 On my YouTube channel, I make videos about bitcoin, programming, productivity and lifestyle. I'm currently working on updating my Coinbase Advanced Trade Wrapper and integrating some new features.
  3. 🤖 I'm interested in solopreneurship and experimenting with how much content I can produce and edit by myself. To that end I've been diving into AI tools like ChatGPT to help increase the throughput of my social media work.
  4. 🎙️ To that end, I'm looking into repurposing content into a podcast form to extend my reach. I'm interested in the work being done at Fountain.fm. I want to see if that makes a meaningful difference in content distribution and value to creatives.

Get in Touch

  1. 𝕏 (Formerly Twitter)- If you've got a short question or message, please tweet or DM @Rhettre and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
  2. 👾 Discord - If you've got questions for the community, join the free Discord. There are lots of programmers and useful people who can help.
  3. 📨 Email - If it's a longer thing, or you don't want it to be a public tweet, please email me (rhett@rhett.blog). I read 100% of emails but don't always get time to respond to all of them.
  4. 🤳 Video Call - If you're looking for advice, help building software solutions, or want to pick my brain feel free to book time on my calendar and we can do a zoom meeting.

Updated 05/2024