4 min read

πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€βš•οΈ The Most Important Statistics Question That You Should Memorize

Doctor's Offices vs Math

I recently had my first visit to a primary care doctor in over 10 years.

I'm a relatively healthy young person and the more I've learned about statistics and decision making under uncertainty, the less comfortable I've become with doctor's offices.

However, despite my skepticism, I sought out a primary care doctor because I think understanding biomarkers from your bloodwork is important - and I'm kind of wasting my health insurance if I don't do these checkups at least annually.

We got to talking and got on the topic of risks and medicines and I was told something along the lines of: "If X medicine increases your chance of avoiding disease by 30% then why wouldn't you take the 30% increase in your health?"

In my opinion, a college level understanding of statistics is important for every professional who is making life altering decisions

With that said, let's take a look at the classic Bayes' Theorem statistics problem that every doctor (and really every professional) should know by heart:

A patient goes to see a doctor. The doctor performs a test with 99 percent reliability--that is, 99 percent of people who are sick test positive and 99 percent of the healthy people test negative. The doctor knows that only 1 percent of the people in the country are sick. Now the question is: if the patient tests positive, what are the chances the patient is sick?

Intuitively, the answer is very simple.

If 99% of the people who are sick test positive, the answer is the patient is 99% likely to be sick.

This is, however, incorrect.

We have to apply Bayes' Theorem because we have prior knowledge of the patient population.

A quick refresher for everyone who skipped class

To find out our P(A), P(B), and P(B|A) we need to do a little math

Assuming 10,000 person population - how many people would test positive / negative and ACTUALLY be sick / not sick

The chart above details the likelihood that a Positive Test identifies a Sick person:

0.01 [percentage of people in the population who are sick] x 10,000 [number of people in our population] x 0.99 [the test is 99% accurate at identifying Sick people with a Positive Test] = 99 people identified with a Positive Test who were actually Sick

Likewise for a Positive Test identifying someone who is Not Sick:

0.99 [percentage of people in the population who are Not Sick] x 10,000 [number of people in our population] x .01 [1% of the time, the test fails and identifies someone who is Not Sick as Positive] = 99 people identified with Positive Test who were Not Sick

Negative Test identifying someone who is Sick:

0.01 [percentage of people in the population who are Sick] x 10,000 [number of people in our population] x .01 [1% of the time, the test fails and identifies someone who is Sick as Negative] = 1 person identified with Negative Test who was Sick

Negative Test identifying someone who is Not Sick:

0.99 [percentage of people in the population who are Not Sick] x 10,000 [number of people in our population] x .99 [the test is 99% accurate at identifying Not Sick people with a Negative Test] = 9,900 people identified with Negative Test who were Not Sick

Back to Bayes' Theorem:

A quick refresher for everyone who skipped class

We want to know P(A|B) or the probability someone is Sick (A) given that the patient has a Positive Test (B)

Thus P(Sick | Positive Test) = P(Positive Test | Sick) * P(Sick) / P(Positive Test)

We know P(Sick) = 0.01 [1% of the population is sick]

We know that P(Positive Test | Sick) = 0.99 [99% of the time, the test correctly identifies someone who is Sick with a Positive Test]

And we know that P(Positive Test) = 198/10,000 [from our chart above only 198 in 10,000 people will get a Positive Test] = .0198

Thus P(Sick | Positive Test) = 0.5 = 50%

In this example with the 99% effective test, if you test positive, you have only a 50%(!!) chance of actually being sick.

What Have We Learned?

A 99% effective test is not good enough to elucidate meaningful information from a population that is only 1% infected.

"If X medicine increases your chance of avoiding disease by 30% then why wouldn't you take the 30% increase in your health?"

Likewise, a 30% increase in my chance of avoiding some disease is meaningless without knowing what my chance was of getting the disease beforehand.

If I was 100% likely to get the disease, a 30% reduction would be amazing.

If I'm only 50% likely to get the disease, a 30% reduction is still great - it brings me down to 35% likely to get the disease.

If, however, I only have a 1 in 10,000 (.0001 or .01%) chance of getting the disease a 30% reduction stops being as meaningful.

It brings me down to about 1 in 14,285 (0.00007 or 0.007%).

If you asked me if I'd like to reduce my risk of infection from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 14,285, all of a sudden the medicine seems a lot less necessary.


Relative rates matter.

If someone tells you that you're going to get a 70% reduction or be 100% more likely to blah blah blah you ALWAYS have to ask yourself:

"What was my chance of this thing happening in the first place?"

If you were 1 in 100,000 to get some disease, it's probably not worth undergoing an expensive or risky treatment even if it makes your odds decrease to 1 in 300,000

Likewise, if you were 1 in 100,000 to get some disease and if you don't stop eating your favorite donuts your risk will increase 100% to 1 in 50,000 - it's probably fine to just keep eating the donuts

If none of this made sense, this video does a really good job of explaining the concept